Wetenschappelijk – Engelstalig
Also to be found on ResearchGate
Spit, N., E. Tonkens & M. Trappenburg (2025) The Emotional Costs of Solidarity: How Refugees and Volunteers Manage Emotions in the Integration Process. Social Inclusion, 13. DOI:10.17645/si.9009
Spit, N., E.Tonkens and M. Trappenburg (2024) When citizenship Is (Not) for Saints: How Refugees and Volunteers Manage Emotions in the Integration Process, Social Inclusion [accepted October16 2024]
Krikken Mulders, L., E. Tonkens and M. Trappenburg (2024) Dutch Therapists’ Professional Autonomy and Moral Agency After the Marketization and Bureaucratization of Mental Healthcare: Between Impracticalities and Impossibilities. Professions and Professionalism, 14(2). DOI:10.7577/pp.5785
Krikken Mulders, L., E. Tonkens & M. Trappenburg (2024) “I have some wishes, which are actually demands.” A qualitative mixed methods study on the impact of consumerism on the therapeutic relationship in mental healthcare, Frontier in Health Services 4:1388906. DOI:10.3389/frhs.2024.1388906
Hurenkamp, M., P. Dekker, & E. Tonkens (2024). Losers of representation: Gains and losses of globalisation as seen by workers in internationalised companies in the Netherlands. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 11(2), pp. 231–254. DOI:10.1080/23254823.2023.2295038
Roegiers C, S. Saharso, E. Tonkens & J. Darling (2023) Institutional Solidarity in The Netherlands: Examining the Role of Dutch Policies in Women with Migration Backgrounds’ Decisions to Leave a Violent Relationship. Societies 13(11), 243. DOI:10.3390/soc13110243
Visscher, K., M. Hurenkamp & E. Tonkens (2023) The democratic potential of community-based initiatives. Politics of the low countries, 5(1), pp. 36-57. DOI:10.5553/PLC/.000044
Ahmad, M., S. Saharso & E. Tonkens (2023). Framing dementia care in families with a migration background: An analysis of practitioners’ and family carers’ views and experiences. Ageing & Society, DOI:10.1017/S0144686X23000260
Tonkens, E. & T. Swierstra (2023). Making Academia Safe for Unsafety. In: Laan, G. van der, T. Leesen, M. Bot, E. Dreezens, V. Lakhani, M. J. Loos, A. Shekiladze, G. Spoormans and T. Willems (eds.) (2023) Educational Utopias. Liber Amicorum for Prof. Dr. Alkeline van Lenning. Tilburg: Open Press Tilburg University. DOI:10.26116/7af3-n693
Sebrechts, M., & E. Tonkens (2023). Putting participation into practice: An ethnographic study of sheltered workshops in the Netherlands and Portugal. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 27(1), pp. 54-67. DOI:10.1177/17446295211062391
Verhoeven, I. en E. Tonkens (2023). Escaping the iron cage? Enabling civic initiatives: frontline workers as democratic professionals in Amsterdam. Local Government Studies, 49(4), pp. 821–840. DOI:10.1080/03003930.2022.2110077
Trappenburg M, T. Kampen & E. Tonkens (2022) Street-Level Bureaucrats in a Catch-All Bureaucracy. Administration & Society, 54 (10), pp. 2021-2047. DOI:10.1177/00953997221104679
Hillebregt, C., M. Trappenburg & E. Tonkens (2022). ‘Let us be’. Social support needs of people with acquired long-term disabilities and their caregivers in rehabilitation practice in the Netherlands. Health & Social Care in the Community. DOI:10.1111/ hsc.13838
Hillebregt, C., M. Trappenburg & E. Tonkens (2022) ‘Living the life of the other’: carers’ perspectives on changes in carer strain during the rehabilitation trajectory. International Journal of Care and Caring, 6(4), pp. 528-546. DOI:10.1332/239788221X16432161068785
Ahmad, M., J. van den Broeke, S. Saharso & E. Tonkens (2022) Dementia care-sharing and migration: An intersectional exploration of family carers’ experiences. Journal of Ageing Studies, 60. DOI:10.1016/j.jaging.2021.100996
Weele, S. van der, F. Bredewold, C. Leget and E.Tonkens (2021) The group home as moral laboratory, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 24, pp. 113-125 DOI:10.1007/s11019-020-09991-y
Bredewold, F. en E. Tonkens (2021) Understanding successes and failures of Family Group Conferencing; an in-depth multiple case study’. British Journal of Social Work, bcab062, DOI:10.1093/bjsw/bcab062
Schmidt, J., M. Trappenburg & E. Tonkens (2021) Social dignity for marginalized people in public healthcare: an interpretive review and building blocks for a non-ideal theory. Med Health Care and Philosophy, 24, pp. 85-97, DOI:10.1007/s11019-020-09987-8
Weele, S. van der, F. Bredewold, C. Leget & E. Tonkens (2020) What is the problem of dependency? Dependency work reconsidered. Nursing Philosophy, 22(2), DOI:10.1111/nup.12327
Ahmad, M., J. van den Broeke, S. Saharso & E. Tonkens (2020). Persons With a Migration Background Caring for a Family Member With Dementia: Challenges to Shared Care. The Gerontologist, 60(2), pp. 340-349. DOI:10.1093/geront/gnz161
Bredewold, F., Verplanke, L., Kampen, T., Tonkens, E., & Duyvendak, J. W. (2020). The care receivers perspective: How care‐dependent people struggle with accepting help from family members, friends and neighbours. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28 (3), pp. 762-770. DOI:10.1111/hsc.12906
Bredewold, F., A. Haarsma, M. Jager, E. Tonkens (2020) “Convivial encounters: conditions for urban social inclusion.” Urban Studies, 57 (10), pp. 2047- 2063. DOI:10.1177/0042098019869838
Schmidt, J., A. Niemeijer, C. Leget, M. Trappenburg, E. Tonkens (2020) The dignity circle: how to promote dignity in social work practice and policy? European Journal of Social Work, DOI:10.1080/13691457.2020.1804332
Blonk, L., T. Huijben, F. Bredewold, and E. Tonkens (2019) Balancing care and work: A case study of recognition in a social enterprise, Disability and Society, DOI:10.1080/09687599.2019.1669434
Bredewold, F. L. Verplanke, T. Kampen, E. Tonkens & J.W. Duyvendak (2019) The care-receivers perspective: how care dependent people struggle with accepting help from family-members, friends and neighbours, Health and Social Care in the Community, DOI:10.1111/hsc.12906
Ahmad, M., J van den Broeke, S. Saharso en E. Tonkens (2019) Persons with a migration background caring for a family member with dementia: challenges to shared care, The Gerontologist, DOI:10.1093/geront/gnz161
Trappenburg, M, T. Kampen en E. Tonkens (2019) Social workers in a modernising welfare state: professionals or street-level bureaucrats? British Journal of Social Work, DOI:10.1093/bjsw/bcz120
Kampen, T., & Tonkens, E. (2019). Empowerment and Disempowerment of Workfare Volunteers: A Diachronic Approach to Activation Policy in the Netherlands. Social Policy and Society, (18)3, DOI:10.1017/S1474746418000143
Tonkens, E. & I. Verhoeven (2019). The civic support paradox: Fighting unequal participation in deprived neighbourhoods. Urban Studies, (56)8, DOI:10.1177/0042098018761536
Sebrechts, M., E. Tonkens & B. Da Roit (2019). Unfolding recognition: an empirical-theoretical contribution to the concept. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, DOI:10.1080/1600910X.2019.1586741
Kampen, T., and E. Tonkens (2019). Empowerment and Disempowerment of Workfare Volunteers: A Diachronic Approach to Activation Policy in the Netherlands. Social Policy and Society, DOI:10.1017/S1474746418000143
Sebrechts, M., E. Tonkens & C. Bröer (2018). Rituals of recognition: Interactions and interaction rules in sheltered workshops in the Netherlands, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, DOI:10.1080/23254823.2018.1464399
Verhoeven, I. and E. Tonkens (2018). Joining the Citizens: Forging New Collaborations Between Government and Citizens in Deprived Neighborhoods. In: M. Stout and J. Diamond From Austerity to Abundance? Creative approaches to Coordinating the Common Good. Vol.6 of the book series Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management, Bingley: Emerald, ISSN: 2045-7944
Kampen, T. and E. Tonkens (2018), A personalised approach in activation. Workfare volunteers’ experiences with activation practitioners, European Journal of Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2018.1461069
Tonkens, E. and I. Verhoeven (2018), The civic support paradox: Fighting unequal participation in deprived neighbourhoods, Urban Studies, DOI: 10.1177/0042098018761536
Feringa, D. & E. Tonkens (2017). How the participation style in local youth councils contributes to the civic engagement of young people, Journal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice 26(2), pp. 43-59. http://doi.org/10.18352/jsi.527
Grootegoed, E. and E. Tonkens (2017). Disabled and elderly citizens’ perceptions and experiences of voluntarism as an alternative to publically financed care in the Netherlands. Health and Social Care in the Community 25(1), pp. 234–242. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.12299
Bochoven, M. van, E. Tonkens, S. Roggeveen en L. Verplanke (2016). Reconstructing the professional domain: Boundary work of professionals and volunteers in the context of social service reform, Current Sociology. Published online before print November 16, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/0011392116677300
Bredewold, F., E. Tonkens, M. Trappenburg (2016) Urban encounters limited: The importance of built-in boundaries in contacts between people with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities and their neighbours, Urban Studies 53(16), pp. 3371-3387. First published online november 2015, DOI: 10.1177/0042098015616895
Bredewold, F., E. Tonkens & M. Trappenburg (2016). Solidarity and Reciprocity Between People With and Without Disabilities, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, DOI:10.1002/casp.2279
Tonkens, E. (2016). Professions, Service Users and Citizenship: Deliberation, Choice and Responsibility. In: M. Dent, I. Bourgeault, J.L. Denis and E. Kuhlmann, The Routledge companion to professions and professionalism, Chapter 3
Duyvendak, J.W., P. Geschiere and E. Tonkens (eds.) (2016) The culturalization of citizenship. Beloning and polarization in a globalising world. London: Palgrave MacMillan
Tonkens, E. & J.W. Duyvendak (2016). Introduction: the culturalization of citizenship. In: Duyvendak, J.W., P. Geschiere and E. Tonkens (eds.) (2016) The culturalization of citizenship. Beloning and polarization in a globalising world. London: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-53410-1_1
Grootegoed, E. en E. Tonkens (2015). Disabled and elderly citizens’ perceptions and experiences of voluntarism as an alternative to publically financed care in the Netherlands, Health and Social Care in the Community. Published online October 2015, DOI:10.1111/hsc.12299
Ridderhof de Wilde, M., Hurenkamp, M. Tonkens, E. (2014). Flexible relations, frail contacts and failing demands. How community groups and local institutions interact in local governance in the Netherlands. Urban Studies 51(16), pp.
Tonkens, E., Hoijtink, M. & Gulikers, H. (2013). Democratizing Social Work. In: M. Noordegraaf & B. Steijn (red.) Professionals under Pressure. The Reconfiguration of Professional Work in Changing Public Services. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 161-179. DOI: 10.1017/9789048518302.011
Tonkens, E., Grootegoed, E. & Duyvendak, J. W. (2013). Introduction: Welfare State Reform, Recognition and Emotional Labour. Social Policy and Society, 12(03), pp. 407-413. DOI: 10.1017/s147474641300016x
Verhoeven, I. & Tonkens, E. (2013). Talking Active Citizenship: Framing Welfare State Reform in England and the Netherlands. Social Policy and Society, 12(03), pp. 415-426. DOI: 10.1017/s1474746413000158
Tonkens, E. & Verplanke, L. (2013). When Social Security Fails to be Emotional Security. Single Parent Households and the Contractual Welfare State. Social Policy and Society, 12(03), pp. 451-460. DOI: 10.1017/s1474746413000110
Kampen, T., Elshout, J. & Tonkens, E. (2013). The Fragility of Self-Respect. Emotional Labour of Workfare Volunteering. Social Policy and Society, 12(03), pp.
427-438. DOI: 10.1017/s1474746413000067
Tonkens, E., Broër, C., Sambeek, N. van, & Hassel, D. van (2013). Pretenders and performers: Professional responses to the commodification of health care. Social Theory and Health, 11(4), pp. 368-387. DOI:10.1057/sth.2013.5
Ootes, S.T.C., Pols, A.J., Tonkens, E.H. & Willems, D. (2013). Where is the citizen? Comparing civic spaces in long-term mental healthcare. Health & Place, 22, pp. 11- 18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2013.02.008
Ootes, S.T.C., Pols, A.J., Tonkens, E.H. & Willems, D.L. (2013). Opening the Gift: Social Inclusion, Professional Codes, and Gift Giving in Long-Term Mental Healthcare. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 37, pp. 131-147. DOI: 10.1007/s11013-012-9293-8
Tonkens, E, (2012). ‘Working with Arlie Hochschild: Connecting Feelings to Social Change,’ Social Politics. International studies in Gender, State and Society, (19) 2, 194-218. DOI: 10.1093/sp/jxs003
Newman, J. & E. Tonkens (2011) Towards a feminist politics of active citizenship. In: J. Newman & E. Tonkens (2011) Participation, Responsibility and Choice: Summoning the Active Citizen in Western European Welfare States. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 217-234
Tonkens, E. & J. Newman (2011) Active citizens, activist professionals. The citizenship of new professionals. In: J. Newman & E. Tonkens (2011) Participation, Responsibility and Choice: Summoning the Active Citizen in Western European Welfare States. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 201-216
Newman, J. & E. Tonkens (2011) Active Citizenship. Responsibility, choice and participation. In: J. Newman & E. Tonkens (2011) Participation, Responsibility and Choice: Summoning the Active Citizen in Western European Welfare States. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 179-200
Tonkens, E. (2011) The embrace of responsibility. Citizenship and governance of social care in the Netherlands. In: J. Newman & E. Tonkens (2011) Participation, Responsibility and Choice: Summoning the Active Citizen in Western European Welfare States. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 45-66
Newman, J. & E. Tonkens (2011) Introduction. In: J. Newman & E. Tonkens (2011) Participation, Responsibility and Choice: Summoning the Active Citizen in Western European Welfare States. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 9-28
Newman, J. & E. Tonkens (2011) (eds.) Participation, Responsibility and Choice: Summoning the Active Citizen in Western European Welfare States. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
Hurenkamp, M., E. Tonkens en J.W. Duyvendak (2011) ‘Citizenship in the Netherlands: locally produced, nationally contested.’ In: Citizenship Studies, (15) 2, 205-225
Fienieg, B., V. Nierkens, E. Tonkens, T. Plochg en K. Stronks (2011) ‘Why play an active role? A qualitative examination of lay citizens’ main motives for participation in health promotion.’ In: Health Promotion International, 27 (3), 416-426
Ootes, S.T.C., A.J. Pols, E.H. Tonkens, D.L. Willems (2010), ‘Bridging boundaries; the concept of ‘citizenship’ as a boundary object in mental healthcare’, Medische Antropologie/Medical Anthropology, special issue ‘The body in disability studies’: 22, 2; 375-388.
Mepschen, P., J.W. Duyvendak and E. Tonkens (2010) ‘Sexual Politics, Orientalism and Multicultural Citizenship in the Netherlands’, Sociology, Vol. 44(5), 962-979
Tonkens, E. (2010) ‘Civicness and citizen participation in social services: conditions for promoting respect and public concern’. In: T. Brandsen, P. Dekker and A. Evers (eds.) Civicness in the Governance and Delivery of Social Services. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 83-98
Duyvendak, J.W., M. Hurenkamp and E. Tonkens (2010) ‘Culturalization of Citizenship in the Netherlands’ In: Chebel d’Appolonia A. and S. Reich (red.) Managing Ethnic Diversity after 9/11. Rutgers Universtiy Press, 233-252
2009 – 1991
Duyvendak, J.W., M. Hoijtink and E. Tonkens (2009) ‘Post-patient perspectives. User-based logics and the never ending inequality between users and professionals.’ In: H.U. Otto (red.) What works? Modernising the Knowledge Base of Social Work. University of Bielefeld Press, Bielefeld, 31-46
Kremer, M. en E. Tonkens (2006) ‘Authority, trust, knowledge and the public good in disarray.’ in: T. Knijn and M. Kremer, Professionals between people and policy. Amsterdam University Press, 122-136
Tonkens, E. en J.W. Duyvendak (2003) ‘Paternalism – caught between rejection and acceptance: taking care and taking control in community work.’ In: Community Development Studies (38), nr.1, 6-15
Tonkens, E. en L. van Doorn (2001) ‘Turning rough sleepers into responsible citizens. Third Way policies on homelessness in England and the Netherlands.’ Renewal, the Journal of Labour Politics, (3), nr.3, 142-151
Tonkens, E. (2001) ‘Community building in the Netherlands and the UK: New Deal for Communities and Heel de Buurt.’ New Start, bringing together partners in community regeneration, jan. 2001, 12
Weijers, I. en E. Tonkens, (1999) ‘Christianization of the soul: Religious Traditions in the care of People with Learning Disabilities in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century.’ In: Social History of Medicine. The journal for the Society of Social History and Medicine, (12), nr. 3, 351- 370
Tonkens, E. en I. Weijers, (1999) ‘Autonomy, Solidarity and Self-Realization. Policy Views of Dutch Service Providers.’ Mental Retardation. The journal of the American Association on Mental Retardation (37) nr.6, 468-476
Tonkens, E. and M. Volman (1991) ‘And lust for us all. The end of the sexuality debates in the women’s movement?’ In: Sharing the difference. Feminist Debates in Holland.’ Joke J. Hermsen en Alkeline van Lenning, (eds.) Routledge, Londen, 164-181