Burgerschap in de pluriforme samenleving
Wat betekent burgerschap in een pluriforme, globaliserende samenleving? Mensen, organisaties en ideeën verplaatsen zich in toenemende mate en vrijheid van land tot land. Wat het betekent om onder condities van grootscheepse migratie burger te zijn? Wat delen burgers nog wanneer ze sterk verschillende culturele en sociaal-economische achtergronden hebben? Burgerschap is traditioneel plaatsgebonden : men wordt beschermd door een overheid en draagt bij aan het voortbestaan van die overheid. Wat betekent burgerschap onder condities van pluriformisering en globalisering? Er is sprake van een grotere aandacht voor cultuur als het om burgerschap gaat; is deze ‘culturalisering’ bevorderlijk voor volwaardig burgerschap?
Lopende projecten
Deelname aan het internationale H2020 onderzoeksproject Solidarity in diversity
“The rise of national populism and far-right parties in Europe poses a big threat to all forms of solidarity, especially solidarity between members of various ethnic-cultural groups. European democracies should therefore identify the conditions that can encourage and promote solidarity in diversity, taking into account the social inequalities and unequal positions of power between various groups. The EU-funded SOLiDi project has developed a training and research programme to train 15 early-stage researchers in relevant theories, research methods and ethics from a variety of disciplines. The training and research programme will also focus on paradigms of social change, studying how scientific insights on solidarity in diversity can be applied in different policy contexts and organisations. Ultimately, the project will provide professionals and institutions with insights and instruments for building cohesive European societies.”
Penvoerder: Stijn Oosterlynck, Universiteit Antwerpen
PhD projecten
Bridging solidarity in neighborhood teams.
Akofa Boglo
The research project aims to analyse how community workers in neighborhood teams in the Netherlands give shape to promoting bridging solidarity between inhabitants with different ethnic, religious and/or cultural backgrounds. How neighborhood teams conduct this ‘solidarity work’ will be investigated in two diverse neighborhoods in the Dutch cities of Haarlem and Nijmegen by conducting participant observations, repeated interviews with inhabitants and photo-voice (discussing interviewees’ pictures of displays of solidarity). https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/projects/solidi/research/#458388
Competing solidarities: sexual justice vs cultural justice in social work?
Chloé Roegiers
Social workers are increasingly confronted with culturally inspired (risk of) family violence in families of migrant background. This project studies social workers’ encounters with these harmful gender and sexuality related practices, the moral dilemmas these create for professionals and clients and professionals’ actual interventions. Research methods include case file analysis and in-depth study of ten cases in two Dutch neighborhoods. The aim is to improve the quality of intervention in these harmful practices. https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/projects/solidi/research/#458389
Afgeronde projecten
Publicaties (selectie)
Bredewold, F., A. Haarsma, M. Jager, E. Tonkens (2019) Convivial encounters: conditions for urban social inclusion. Urban Studies, https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098019869838
The Culturalization of Citizenship. Belonging and Polarization in a Globalizing World, Jan Willem Duyvendak, Peter Geschiere, Evelien Tonkens (Eds.) (2016)
Mepschen, Paul (2016). Everyday autochthony: Difference, discontent and the politics of home in Amsterdam. Met prof.dr. W.G.J. Duyvendak, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Reekum, R. van (2015). Out Of Character. Debating Dutchness, narrating citizenship. Met prof.dr. W.G.J. Duyvendak, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Crafting Citizenship. Negotiating Tensions in Modern Society, Menno Hurenkamp, Evelien Tonkens en Jan Willem Duyvendak (2012)
Tonkens, E, (2012) ‘Working with Arlie Hochschild: Connecting Feelings to Social Change,’ Social Politics. International studies in Gender, State and Society, (19) 2, 194-218
Hurenkamp, M., E. Tonkens en J.W. Duyvendak (2011) ‘Citizenship in the Netherlands: locally produced, nationally contested.’ In: Citizenship Studies, (15) 2, 205-225
Mepschen, P., J.W. Duyvendak and E. Tonkens (2010) ‘Sexual Politics, Orientalism and Multicultural Citizenship in the Netherlands’, Sociology, Vol. 44(5), 962-979
Tonkens, E. (2010) ‘Civicness and citizen participation in social services: conditions for promoting respect and public concern’. In: T. Brandsen, P. Dekker and A. Evers (eds.) Civicness in the Governance and Delivery of Social Services. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 83-98
Duyvendak, J.W., M. Hurenkamp and E. Tonkens (2010) ‘Culturalization of Citizenship in the Netherlands’ In: Chebel d’Appolonia A. and S. Reich (red.) Managing Ethnic Diversity after 9/11. Rutgers Universtiy Press, 233-252
Tussen onderschatten en overvragen. Actief burgerschap en activerende organisaties in de wijk. Evelien Tonkens, met bijdragen van James Kennedy, Herman van Gunsteren e.a. (2009)
Bewonersparticipatie via vouchers: democratisch en activerend?, Tonkens, E. en G. Kroese, Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer, Den Haag (2009)
Burgerschap en binding in Den Haag, Tonkens, E., Kroese, G. Stichting Actief Burgerschap / Universiteit van Amsterdam (2009)
Wat vinden burgers zelf van burgerschap? Burgers aan het woord over binding, loyaliteit en sociale cohesie. Hurenkamp, M. en E. Tonkens. Nicis kenniscentrum Grote Steden, Den Haag (2008)
Praten helpt. Een onderzoek naar de Dag van de Dialoog. Tonkens, E. Ankeren, M. van. Stichting Actief Burgerschap / Universiteit van Amsterdam (2006)