mrt 16, 2018 | aankondiging, evenement
Proud to have Jason Rodriguez -author of ‘Labors of Love. Nursing homes and the structure of care’- giving his key note lecture ‘Dignity and Emotional Labor in Care Work’ at UvH Graduate School Conference 2018, 12-04. Join us!
feb 12, 2018 | evenement, lezing
Guest lecture Jason Rodriquez. Graduate School Conference 2018, April 12th, Universiteit voor Humanistiek, Utrecht
Jason Rodriquez (University of Massachusetts) will talk about his book, Labors of Love. Nursing homes and the structure of care work in which he examines how organizational dynamics shape nursing home care. The regulatory system normalizes chronic understaffing and work overload, turning residents into an embodiment of reimbursable activities. A perfect show for the Inspectorate hides quality issues and onerous workplace conditions from view. Nevertheless, staff members who did not leave for better jobs develop emotional strategies to make their work meaningful, resist management and protect dignity of nursing home residents. They do so in ways, however, that make them vulnerable to exploitation.
dec 1, 2017 | evenement
The University of Humanistic Studies (UvH) proudly announces that professor Hartmut Rosa will be our key speaker at a seminar on Tuesday January 30th 2018 on:
How to Slow Down Life without Stagnating Society Resonance in an Accelerating World
‘Stress, burnout and alienation: according to Rosa, known for his elaborate study on high-speed modern social life, these are all symptoms of what he calls ‘social acceleration’. Three fundamental processes are at play: technical acceleration, acceleration of social change, and the acceleration of the pace of life. More info
sep 12, 2017 | agenda, evenement
‘Devolution and Decentralisation of Social Security in Europe: Dismantling the Welfare State or a Democratic Promise for the Future?’
On 28th and 29thSeptember 2017, the European Institute of Social Security (EISS) and the University of Groningen will host an international conference about the trend of devolution and decentralisation in social security. The conference aims to bring together academics, policy makers, social security administrators and client representatives. It has an outspoken ambition to present research from multiple disciplines, thereby contributing towards a more global understanding of the devolution and decentralisation trends in social security.
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jan 5, 2017 | evenement
“Het volk regeert, maar de vraag is in hoeverre. Vertegenwoordigt de ANWB niet eigenlijk VVD-stemmers beter dan hun eigen partij? En is het referendum niet een vergiftigde fopspeen die totaal averechts werkt? Kijk een avond in De Balie – met onder anderen Han ten Broeke, Evelien Tonkens en Tom van der Meer – over de representatieve democratie terug.”
Video van #slowpolitics gedeeld door David Van Reybrouck via De Correspondent